Not the worst weather photo we could have taken but you can still get an idea of how bad it was some days. A big thank-you to Australia for the aftermaths of their cyclone this day. |
In my opinion, this is the best sunset picture we got while we were there - so many beautiful colours and right out our door step! |
This is another one of our favourites, taken off the dock at Home Bay |
After dinner, Adrian went to go help Gordon on the barge to bring some building supplies onto the island for a house that was being built soon. The daughters were going for a walk around the island so I asked to join them. It was nice to 1. Talk to females, 2. Talk to females around my age and 3. Do something active in the evening after all that food. The walk lasted about an hour and by the time we got back, Gordon and Adrian were getting back as well. As you can imagine the barge doesn’t move too fast and it was also quite choppy out. Nonetheless, it was a cool experience for Adrian because he got to drive it for a bit!
The morning of Christmas Day, we were surprised to find Santa had made a stop by the island and brought us some gifts! Ok so it turned out to be the Needham family but we thought it was very sweet of them to give us a bottle of sparkling wine and a box of chocolates. I also got to spend a bit of the morning talking to my mom over Skype. Adrian and I made a traditional breakfast for us- french toast. It wasn’t quite the same as we were used to using thinly sliced bread and maple “flavoured” syrup but it was still nice to do some traditional. After it was too late, we found out that Christmas Day dinner was going to be at lunch (dinner, lunch, supper, tea time, we haven’t quite got the hang of what each term means :p). Some of Gordon’s family and some of Barbara’s joined us for lunch so it was a big Christmas meal- 17 in total I think. Christmas lunch wasn’t a bbq like so many Kiwis do for the holiday but it was still delicious!- ham, crayfish, salmon, some type of white fish, scalloped potatoes, pasta salad, couscous salad, green salad…and for dessert, pecan pie, lemon coconut cake and chocolate trifle. Once the “kids” started opening up their presents we did our own thing. The rest of the day was low key and Christmas Day supper was just leftovers from lunch. In the late afternoon, Adrian has a Skype date with his family so we both ended up getting a decent dose of family time for the holidays. The weather turned out to be beautiful for the few days surrounding Christmas too. All-in-all it was a pretty good Christmas.
Our Christmas goodies from "Santa" |
Merry White Sand Christmas! (hanging out on the beach Christmas Day) |
We left the island as fast as we came. Just in time too, as the generator burnt out the night before! By the 3rd, we had finished cleaning all the chalets and the lodge again after the guests had left and Gordon was heading into town (Thames) the next day. After a month of minimal work and poor weather, we had become pretty anxious to start traveling again, or at least get off the island. So we booked our bus ticket that evening and the next morning we were being dropped off in Thames. We spent almost a whole day exploring as much as Thames as we could. It is a cute old mining town of about 20,000 and prides itself as “The Capital of the Coromandel”. If we go back to the area, we would like to do a hike through The Pinnacles. It’s a well-known 6-8 hour hike with opportunities to stay in small huts overnight.
A good-bye photo (Adrian-Gordon-Trelise-Barbara-Dana). In the background is the family house which we stayed in. We are departing from Home Bay. |
We eventually arrived in Wellington but with major cricks in our necks. Two hours to kill then a three hour ferry ride to Picton. From Picton, a half hour bus ride. Surprisingly once we got to the hostel, we had a shower but didn’t have a nap. Instead we went to go check out a “work and stay” hostel just outside of town to see if they had any room and work. (Duncannon - The next day (Sunday the 8th; marking 2 months since we left Calgary AND a year since Adrian and I reconnected at the Roughnecks Home Opener - big day!) we moved in and Monday Adrian was already working in the vineyards.
Unfortunately girls who have worked in the vineyards before haven’t done the sex justice and wimped out after a few days. As a result, many vineyards are only taking on males. I am on a waitlist for vineyard and seasonal work but there won’t be anything for me until they are done all the wire lifting (which only males can handle apparently).
So the past three days I have been job searching like crazy. I don’t think I have ever worked this hard to find a job. I’ve asked around at gyms, fitness centres, pools, supermarkets, a sports apparel store, Subway…funnily enough my three years experience at Subway may just get me something! But if Subway doesn’t work out, I’ll just have to wait for some new seasonal work to come about.
While I keep busy job searching, Adrian is keeping busy on the vineyards. He gets picked up from the contractor at 5:40am then is driven about 40 mins out of town to the vineyard. He works for 8 hours with minimal breaks because he is on contract/piece work. The wire lifting work he does consists of moving the wires up higher on the posts to ensure the vines grow upwards. Then he is usually back to Duncannon around 3:30pm. This contractor seems like a good one to work for because you don’t work longer than 8 hours/day and you have the option to work Saturdays if you like but no work on Sundays. Adrian says it’s tedious and strenuous work but overall he is enjoying it because he’s getting in shape and has amazing sleeps :p
Thank you to the guest who left this hat on the island. Adrian now has a well-protected head while working in the vineyard! |
MAJOR SIDE NOTE: One thing I have been meaning to note in this blog and will now do so after confirming it exists in all the cities and towns we have traveled so far and seeing it right in front of me sitting in the library….WHOA, ‘90s!!! Like the 1990s…I'm not sure if they are making a come back or if they ever left but they're full-blown here! I’m talking mullets, rat tails, side ponytails, high-waisted jean shorts, cropped tops, All-Star high tops…We might even get Adrian to grow his hair out to fit in a bit more :p
That's the update for now. Once again, I hope (but am confident) that next time we post, we will both be working and will have saved up some to continue traveling!