Sunday, 10 June 2012

QUEENSTOWN - Adventure Capital of the World

QUEENSTOWN (April 10-12)

Although it doesn’t look that far on the map, we ended up driving the majority of the day to make it to Queenstown. Unfortunately it wasn’t that nice of a day either. We ended up napping for a lot of it just because we were still exhausted from the hike before. 

Just before driving into Queenstown, we made a stop at the AJ Hackett Bungy Centre for anyone wanting to either jump that afternoon or book a time within the next few days. Once again Stray was able to provide a discount for the activities. Adrian signed up to do the Nevis Bungy and Nevis Swing and I signed up for the Kawarau Bridge and Nevis Swing. After watching a few people jump off the bridge, we headed into town.
Queenstown had some high expectations to live up to from us after hearing other people’s experiences there and it absolutely met all of them! The setting of the town is stunning, surrounded by the Remarkables mountain range and coves from Lake Wakatipu. The buzz and vibe of the town is contagious. And with all the activities that are offered, you quickly understand why and how the town can be deemed the “Global Adventure Capital”. 

A shot within Queenstown with the Remarkables in the background.
In the evening, we gave into the party buzz of the town and headed to the hostel bar for a few drinks. Later we went to check out the infamous World Bar, where cocktails are served in teapots. Not a big bar but the vibe was pretty cool. Adrian and I didn’t end up staying out too late so we would be prepared for our big adventure day the next day!

Teapots at World Bar
The day started at 9am with a pick-up in town out to the centre. It was a quick check-in and before I knew it I was out on a platform getting my gear on! The guys were good about talking to me while they got me ready to distract me from what I was about to do.  Fortunately/unfortunately it didn’t take too long to get all my gear on and I started my waddle to the end of the ledge. “Get your toes right on the edge”, they told me. A quick photo with a nervous smile on. Told not to look down, instead look at the bridge in the distance. “3, 2, 1”…and without hesitation my feet somehow left the ledge. If you hesitate you won’t jump. Don’t think, just jump. The jump was 43m and I was prepped for being dunked in the river, which would have been cool, I think, but it didn’t end up happening. After the initial bungee I bounced and swung around a bit until I could find the pole to hold onto so the guys in the raft below could pull me in. It all happened so fast but it was the biggest rush I have EVER felt! And a pretty unique experience because the “sport” was invented in New Zealand and this bridge is the first commercial bungy jump site.

Cool fish eye shot of me jumping
After getting my adrenal glands under control and buying my photos, we were off to the Nevis Bungy for Adrian and some more of our group.  Arriving on site I was immediately satisfied with my choice of jumping off the bridge instead of doing this jump. The bridge could be seen as a mental challenge but afterwards fun and enjoyable. The Nevis Bungy is, simply put, for the insane. The ride out to the suspended platform 400m above the valley ground was quite enough for me. But for whatever reason Adrian was PUMPED to jump. If he was nervous at all, it didn’t show it. When he launched himself off the ledge and plummeted 134m, he looked like an action hero because he went so far out, no hesitation and perfect form. Watching him further down was pretty entertaining because it looked like he was trying to flap his arms like wings and slow himself down or something. When he was pulled back up to safety he said the 8 seconds of free-fall happens so fast and it’s such a surreal feeling. I believe it but had no desire to feel it!

Adrian's action hero shot
From one platform to another, the Nevis Swing was just a hop, skip and a jump from the Bungy. Adrian and I decided to do the swing together. It is world’s highest/longest swing (120m), swinging across the valley/canyon. I think the scariest thing about the swing (besides the height) is you don’t know when you will be released. Adrian and I were suspended for a while and the way we were set-up, neither of us could see the guy working the swing. Whereas Jochen who went after us was immediately released during smiling for a camera they have set-up at the platform. Another huge adrenaline rush with a bit of a free-fall and fun to do it with someone!

This photo won't upload in the right direction but hopefully it gives you an idea of our swing ride
To celebrate our adventure accomplishments, a bunch of us went to the hyped-up Fergburger in town. They have huge burgers catering to everyone and are absolutely delicious. Or maybe it was just because we were starving after only having a small breakfast and getting back into town around 3pm. No matter.

Mmm, Fergburgeerrr
Later we went out for a couple drinks with some people we wouldn’t be continuing our trip with. But we had an early night that night; exhausted after so much excitement/anxiety/adrenaline!

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